Pay Dues
Membership 2025
Please complete the form in your newsletter to send annual dues to the FCA. Membership dues are $10 per household. Checks are payable to the Fairfield Civic Association (not to Elaine Slater). Please drop off or mail the form with a check to:
Membership Chair Elaine Slater, 7 Hempsted Drive, Newark, DE 19711
Pay Dues Using PayPal
The Fairfield Civic Association now accepts membership dues through PayPal. Please follow these instructions.
Visit or open the app on your device.
Select the yellow Send button.
On the following page, enter You might see our treasurer's name, Peggy Sacher. If you do not see her name, that is not an issue. Select Next.
On the following page, enter the amount you would like to send. Dues are $10.
In the box that says "What's this payment for?" enter the following:
Phone number(s)
Household members and ages of children
If you are donating to the general fund or want to volunteer, please indicate this in the same area.
Press Continue.
IMPORTANT: On the following page, select "For friends and family" as the payment type. You must choose this option to pay the correct amount. Payments not sent with this option selected will be refunded, minus the PayPal fee.
Select Send Payment Now and you're all set!
Please contact Evelyn Hudson at with any questions or concerns.